Tuesday, January 8, 2013

1-8-13 Remembering

I've been remembering about remembering lately. Deep thoughts. Wise thoughts. Insightful thoughts. (At least they seemed that way in the middle of the night!)

It all began with a call from Grant in Sioux Falls. Or maybe it was a text--I can't remember. "Grandma has broken both bones in her left leg and needs surgery." My sweet little mother-in-law was out shoveling snow and fell, landing square on a wrongly turned ankle. (Yes, we have scolded her for being out there shoveling.)

She's one tough little lady, though. She walked (with a limp) into the house and called Grant to come over to make the decision on what she needed. He, being a cross country coach, is very skilled in leg/ankle/foot injuries. His decision was the correct one this time. 

So we headed up to Sioux Falls for New Year's weekend, getting to the hospital just as Dolores's surgery was completed. By the time they let us all see her she was fully conscious and not at all entertaining to listen to. (I remember Lex saying, "I can't feel by doze. I can't feel by doze." (Translation: "I can't feel my nose.") And Logan's famous lines, "Dad, you pushed me!" or "I LOVE anesthesia." Grant is never too entertaining with anesthesia because he just sleeps and sleeps and sleeps. And Paul hasn't ever been "out," as far as I can remember.)

One unexpected revelation that weekend was regarding my father-in-law's memory loss issues. They are much more pronounced than any of us realized. I would have to say that there is probably not a single conversation with Dale that is not tainted by his memory like Swiss cheese. It's so hard to sit by and watch someone you love just slowly sort of drift off on their own. 

"Remember the wonders he has performed,
    his miracles, and the rulings he has given" I Chron. 16:12

I made a resolution to take a moment to remember. Remembering little things from my life, remembering how good God has been to me. 

I remember being the little sister who was pampered and totally loved during my young years. I remember hanging out with these older teenage boys (my brothers and their friends) and running races and being swung around by strong boys. 

I remember clinging to established friends, not really being very good at making new friends during junior high. But I had a best friend who excelled at that, so I got new friends through her extraverted-ness.

I remember when I finally realized that I could live my life without being terrified of dying, the wonderful feeling of a weight being lifted off my shoulders. 

I remember feeling very alone after moving to Illinois for high school, thinking that everyone else knew each other and everyone else went out drinking and I just did NOT fit in.

I remember seeing Loy (before I ever met him) doing a crazy cheer out in the middle of Creighton's basketball game. I thought, "That is one party guy. Definitely NOT my type." Really. I thought that. When I met him at BSU months later and finally figured out where I had seen him he was so proud. And, believe me, he was a crazy man out there on the bball court. And now it will be our 32nd anniversary in two days. Can you believe it?? 32 years!! YAY!!

I remember having four babies in five years and loving that stage of my life. That was the time of life I had always waited for. But then I remember each new stage being just as wonderful as the one before.

I remember feeling the loss when my mother died, then five years later, my dad died. I remember saying, "God, I know they are in a better place and I know you can do all things. But, if a thousand years is like a day, couldn't you have left them here a few more years???" I remember telling my kids lots of Grandma and Grandpa Rogers stories so they can remember something that they really can't remember because they did not ever know my parents. 

I remember hearing that "cancer" word and thinking, "God, I cannot do this. Don't make me do this." And you know what, He was there and I came out of that experience totally convinced that God is good. All the time. 

I remember getting a little 3-year-old boy and struggling so much to keep him occupied and sitting, rocking, while singing songs for hours on end. I remember hearing his running footsteps every weekend morning as he came dive bombing into our bed. I remember him running and playing outside with the dogs every afternoon.

I hope to have many more years ahead of me to make wonderful memories. Thanks for taking this trip down memory lane with me!

Talk to you soon...if I can remember!


This is our little sweetie, Payton, who we will remember spending lots of wonderful visits with!!