Saturday, October 26, 2013

10-26 Remembering to Relax

We just got back from a blissful 5 days on North Captiva Island, Florida. This is our little piece of heaven off the western coast of Florida (near Fort Myers). Last year during Loy's fall break we had just lost Luke. We wanted a calm and quiet place to go lick our wounds. Somehow, in my obsessive vacation planning, I came upon this island and we booked a little cottage. 

We loved our time there last year. We decided this may be the place to go back to every year. (Some of you know, we have traveled extensively, but I have never wanted to go back to places I've been before. I enjoyed them, but "Been there. Done that." But I have always wanted a place with tradition...that place that I wanted to return to. And this was it!!)

But, last year's cottage had a few quirks that we decided we didn't want for this year--it was just one room and, if you don't always go to bed at the same time as each other, this is problematical. And it was on the bay side of the island, which was OK, but the best views were on the gulf side. So, last year we had scoped out the houses and picked four that looked promising. We ended up booking "Rainbow's End." 

This is the saga of our visit to North Captiva Island (not to be confused with Captiva Island). First, we got on a plane to Atlanta. Then we got on a plane to Fort Myers, arriving at midnight. Then we waited for the hotel courtesy vehicle to pick us up. 

The next morning we got in a taxi for an hour long ride to the Pine Island Marina, where we picked up the water taxi. But, before we got to the marina we stopped at the Publix grocery store where I faxed a grocery list earlier in the week. (Prior to faxing the grocery list I had to figure out all our menus for the entire stay--there are no grocery stores on North Captiva.) 

After a picnic at the marina (the above pictures are at the marina) waiting for the water taxi, we took the 30 minute boat ride to Barnacle's Pier. There we met the wonderful landlord and she drove us in her golf cart (because there are no cars on the island--other than the rescue vehicles) to a bee-you-tee-ful little house right on the beach. 

This kind of vacation retreat is not for everyone. There are only three restaurants, but two of them require you to be a member to eat there. However, since October is such a low tourist month on the island, if you called they maybe would let you in anyway. There is no grocery store. Shopping consists of one convenience store (which is a pretty shabby convenience store. Not much to choose from. Some of the shelves are bare), a touristy souvenir shop, and a boutique/touristy shop. That's it. 

We went out to eat at Barnacles one day for lunch. Sort of bar food. I had two fish tacos. Loy had a clam basket with fries. $46. Yep. You read that right. Any wonder I plan our menus and order our food??

Our days were lazy and very selfish. Get up when we want. Read when we want. Eat when we want. Swim when we want. It was quiet (at least for me...Loy kept listening to his iPod and podcasts.) 

When we are on the island we have a ritual that we never ever do here. We make a point to watch the sunset together every night. It's pretty amazing. Then we came back into our little house and made supper and ate on the back porch. 

We saw dolphins from our back deck, two jellyfish in the calm water near Barnacles (I sat there on the dock for 20 minutes watching that thing. It was so cool), and a stingray right in our ocean. We did not see a manatee, which the island is known for. But, on our way out of town our landlord told us where to go next year to be sure to see one. 

There has to be a down-side, right?  Bug bites. I have probably 100 bug bites on me. Are they sand fleas? Are they no-see-ums? They are not mosquitos, but they itch like crazy!!!! (Note to self next year: Use the bug spray that is in the cottage.) Loy was bragging about how he didn't get bit, but when we got to looking we could see quite a few on him too--but he's more manly than I and isn't itchy at all. 

We left, grudgingly, after 5 days. Refreshed and relaxed. It was 85 degrees when we left. We got back to Omaha and it was 42 degrees. I was in capris and told Loy, "YOU go get the car...I'll wait here." He was so nice and did just that. 

With all my quiet time I've been pondering this quote:

"We don't get to decide who God is."  Francis Chan

I've been thinking lately...always dangerous. My little Bible study is doing an apologetics study. We take one reason people may give for not believing that Jesus is the Son of God and then we try and find Scriptural backing for our arguments against that belief. We have all loved doing this--sort of feel like we're iron sharpening each other...

But, it hit me the other day that what I believe or what you believe is really not all that important. God is what He is. I can believe something about Him, but my belief does not make is so. Or, you can believe that He is just a man and that does not make it so. Rather than arguing over things like whether women should be pastors or when Jesus will return (pre- or post-tribulation) or is He loving or what do we have to do to get to Heaven or is there even a Heaven...we should try and discern what God is saying, not the side we want to argue on. Our purpose is to glorify God, not win an argument. 

However, what you believe about God and Jesus now IS important in your own future. 

The Bible says "that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
    in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,
    to the glory of God the Father."  --Philippians 2:10-12

Everyone will acknowledge that Jesus is Lord eventually. Every single person. You may think, "Nope. Not me. I'll never bow." 

It reminds me of a story of myself back in the '80's. Ronald Reagan was president and, for some forgotten reason, we had gotten tickets (from Loy's work?) to go hear him speak in Omaha. Now, I am not political. I don't get involved in any of that much. (I DO vote, though.) I wasn't especially excited to see President Reagan. Just one of those work deals.

After the rally we were walking on the street towards our car. Suddenly there was an excitement on the sidewalk. The President's limo was coming by! People were stopping and turning, ready to look at him. Unbeknownst to me, I was jumping up and down, waving! I didn't mean to do it. It just happened. Like he would notice me in the throngs! But I guess I subconsciously realized that he is THE PRESIDENT. This is a big deal. 

So, picture this...if I am right to believe the Bible, you WILL bow to Jesus. Whether you now believe or not. It might not make sense to you, but that does not alter the fact of what is Truth. Believe what you want now...

But, if I am wrong...well, I really don't see a down side to this. I have believed something that gave me comfort. And, according to some, I will die and that will be it. I'd much rather believe than not.

Don't know where I really want this little train of thought to go, but just thought I'd share it with you.

So, if you want to travel to a quiet place and just relax, talk to me and I'll give you the name of a great place!!! (And she's not even paying me to say that!!) I think I could make a vocation out of planning vacations...I absolutely love scouring the internet to find just the right place. 

You should hear what I've got planned for late May-early June!   :)

Thursday, October 10, 2013

10-10-13 Old, Old, Old

Lately there have been signs in my life that I am getting old. Really old.

1. I, just recently, have had to start wearing my glasses while curling my hair. I just can't make out what needs to be curled without them.

2. I went bra shopping (guys, skip this paragraph!!) and bought a bra advertised as "Your Friday Bra." It didn't look especially good or sexy, just comfy. And I put it on and it was!! And the back has not two but three hooks. For some reason, three hooks screams "aged" to me.

3. I talk about my granddaughter (and soon I'll add a grandson to that conversation.)

4. I can get the senior discount at DQ. (You only have to be 50!)

5. My jammies are all summer ones--and that's on purpose because I get so hot overnight.

6. Conversations with my friends always turn to hot flashes and menopause. When I was young Loy used to say that we always ended up in the delivery room when we girls talked. No more.

7. We do things like can foods and plant flowers and help our kids move.

8. I am considering having my hearing checked. I seem to say, "What?" a lot.

9. I have progressive bifocals.

10. I take 6 pills each morning (but two are vitamins). I get these pills out of my trusty pill container--like all us oldies use.

11. I can't eat certain foods late at night.

12. Caffeine keeps me awake and jittery.

13. My cholesterol is high.

14. I am too old to have the flu shot in a mist--I have to get the shot. (And I'm actually talking about flu shots!!)

15. I get AARP Magazine and really enjoy the stories.

16. If it makes it to 8:00 before I put my jams on, that is a late night.

17. I have had a colonoscopy.

18. Don't tell anyone, but I have two whiskers that I have to pluck every few weeks. I have told all the girls (Alexis, Jenna, Angela) to make sure they pluck those babies when I am in the home.

But, on the other hand, I'm not doing these things:

1. Talking about my bowels. (Please stop me if I ever start doing that!!) (#17 above does NOT count!!)

2. Wearing a red hat.

3. Eating at a buffet at 4:00 p.m. or so. My parents used to do this because it was still the lunch prices but the buffet had put out the supper food.

When my big kids were in high school I would look around at some of the other moms and think, "Yeah, I'm cooler than that mom." "Gee, I act so much younger than her." (If you had kids graduate with me...I'm not talking about you! It was someone else.)

Now, I find myself looking around thinking, "Why is everyone at church so darned young?" "Yes, I'd like to join the young homemakers group...oh, wait...that time has come and gone." "I thought I was supposed to be wise by now." "That newscaster was born when I was in college."

1. At least when I go to Curves (my goal is three times per week and sometimes I actually make that

goal!) I am almost always the youngest (or at least one of the youngest) ones there. And, when I am on the marching in place platform, I always jog in place instead.

2. I know how to use a computer.

3. I can text (but my kids will tell you that I routinely don't hear my phone.) And I don't tweet. And I have to have Danielle, my 25-year-old office buddy, work on my iPhone if there are any issues.

4. All these years mean that I have some tremendous friends that I have known for a long time. It is so nice to be able to be with people and not explain who your siblings are or where you are from.

5. I don't stress about what others are thinking of me quite as much as I used to.

So, I think I'll make my new mantra be something like,

Hello, my name is Kitt. I am 54-years-old. I have survived both of my parents dying when I was in my 20's. I birthed four wonderful babies. I have survived triple negative breast cancer. I have survived losing a child I was guardian to. I have been married to the same wonderful guy for 31 years and we still love each other. I don't look like I am 30, but I don't look like I'm 70 either. I still love God. I still love to laugh out loud. I love to visit friends and family. I am what I am. (Or as Popeye would say, "I yam what I yam.")

There, I feel better!!