Friday, February 22, 2013

2-22 Who I Am

Snow day was a bust. We were forecast to get 18-24 inches (at one point, anyway). We got maybe 4-5 inches. Bummer. It was looking forward to holing up in the house with the wind and snow howling outside. Baking. All this snow did for me was to cancel my trip to Sioux Falls.

But, the day is inspiring me to blog. (It's 11:00 a.m. and I'm still in my jammies.) So, here goes.

I've been thinking about things I believe lately. Not all deep things. Just things that make sense to me. And I decided to share those with you. I'm not trying to change your mind and I don't really want you to try and change my mind. Just wanted to write these down.

So, this is My Manifesto...the "Kitt-ma" of my life! :)

1. I believe there is a God. There. I said it. I believe that God is three-in-one: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, each one with his specific role. I don't necessarily understand just why and how this works, but I totally believe it.

2. I believe that the Son was born on earth to a virgin and that when He died on the cross then rose from the dead, He justified me in the Father's eyes, therefore giving me the anticipation of eternal life.

3. But, I also believe that it's not enough to know about Jesus. I needed to make a decision that I needed  His death and resurrection and that confessing my sins was the only way.

4. I believe you can tell a lot about a person by observing how they treat children, old people, and animals.

5. I believe that electronic stuff--TV, video games, the computer, cell phones--can stimulate our brains in a bad way, especially if you're a kid. I think that many kids who have trouble concentrating or are overly active could benefit from eliminating these things in their lives.

6. I believe you can either get grumpy or twinkly when you get old. It's your choice. (I stole this one!)

7. I believe that putting off cleaning the kitchen is a bad thing. That the job is never quite as bad as you think it was going to be. You just need to do it. With loud music on in the background. Dancing while you put away the dishes.

8. I believe families should eat supper together as much as possible. And this means no TV during the meal. And no answering the phone.

9. I believe there is something intrinsically good about work. Whether you need the money or not. Whether you're paid or not. Work makes me able to enjoy the down time.

10. I believe walking counts as exercise.

11. I believe chocolate mint stuff is evil. Very deceiving. You take a bite, expecting yummy chocolate cake and there it Yuk.

12. I believe that you can get away with wearing just about anything if you wear it with confidence. (Example: scarves when you are bald.) There may be some exceptions to that rule, though...

13. I believe that friends are very important. They listen to me rant and rave. They challenge me. They spur me on to do better things. I love my friends!!

14. I believe spending time with family--close or extended--is a very valuable pastime. I don't want to look back later and have regrets that I didn't see a special person one more time.

15. I believe that writing things down (and putting them in a blog!) helps me to organize and process my life!

16. I believe there are many, many government programs that should be cut. Not because the people don't need help but because having a government program makes individuals think they don't need to look out for others. That it is MY job to help my neighbor, not the government.

There, did you make it to the end? I know that, as soon as I publish this blog, I will think of many more things I want to add. So, maybe I will.

Lately, there is someone in my life who is not seeing things quite accurately, in my opinion. I just want to say, "Hey, can you trust me? Can you believe that I may see the bigger picture right now?" It is very hard for me sit back in this situation.

Then, as I was driving to church, I saw a church sign that said, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not onto your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will direct your paths." (Prov. 3:5-6).

How often do I look at my life and just struggle and struggle to make it what I want it to be. And does God look at me and say, "Hey, can you trust me? Can you believe that I may see the bigger picture right now?"

Trust.  So...

17. I believe God has a plan for my life and that I may be totally unaware of the experiences/circumstances that need to happen to accomplish that plan. That plan is the best way for me. God sees the whole picture, I do not. Oftentimes it is not the way I think would be an easy shortcut to a destination. Oftentimes it hurts terribly. But, I need to trust that He knows.

We have a friend in England who wrote a song called "God Knows." And, at Luke's dedication two pastor's gave us the phrase "God Knows." And He does.

Here are the lyrics to that song:

He hears you when you cry--God knows.
He sees the reasons why--God knows.
He knows just how much you can bear
it grieves Him when you think he doesn't care.
Because He knows.

He holds you when you fall--God knows.
He's God, He sees it all--God knows.
He loves it when you call His name
In times of joy or deep and darkest pain.
Because He knows.

There's a promise in His word
To trust in the Lord--with all your heart
And lean not on your own understanding
And the breath of God, that lives in these words will set you free
If you believe...if you believe.

He has the perfect plan--God knows.
His spirit says "I can"--God knows.
He always has the best for you
Just hold on to your faith, He'll see you through.
When all is said and done, God knows!

He hears you when you cry--God knows.
He sees the reasons why--God knows.
He will always make a way--God knows
And His love will never fade--God knows.
Because when all is said and done, GOD KNOWS!!

God Knows.


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

2-5-13 It's All About God.

Ever have the feeling that your life is getting out of control? I was feeling this way lately and it just built and built.

We are having our master bathroom remodeled. Mike McNair is doing an excellent job and is very nice and always cleans up at the end of each workday...BUT...there is dust all over in the master bedroom, I can't do my housework in my jammies in the mornings because there will be carpenters running around, I have to go down the hall to use the potty. And it affects my motivation. I mean, really, why clean up the kitchen when the master bedroom is a mess so the whole house won't be clean? And, those dogs keep the laundry room a mess, so why bother with the living room?

Last Friday I had enough. I guilted Paul into helping me rearrange the furniture in the living room. If any of you knew my mom, she was a Remodeler Extraordinaire. One time, legend has it, she moved a hide-a-bed up a flight of stairs all by herself. While I'm not in her league, I love to rearrange and can do it by myself, usually. (I don't like Loy to help me. He has the annoying habit of wanting to know where everything is going to go BEFORE we move it! Can you believe that guy???) I scoot all sorts of furniture all over. Sometimes I sit down with my back up against something heavy and just push. Sometimes I lift just a little and slide those mover-thingies under the furniture so it'll be easier. I'm good.

But the living room entailed moving the piano and some tall bookshelves. And the bookshelves needed to go through a doorway that was shorter than the shelves. So, I needed my muscle.

I wasn't sure that Paul would really want to help me, so I was prepared with my rebuttal..."Paul, I drove all the way to Sioux Falls to help you move owe me." (I did NOT, however, play the "I gave birth to you" card. I'm saving that one!) But he obliged and I really didn't even need to twist his arm.

And so the big move began. I would empty off a shelf and then tell him where we were going with it. He would say encouraging things like, "Mom, just LIFT it. Don't slide it." He's got no idea of the strength level (or lack thereof) of my flappy arms. I'd answer with, "Just scoot it. We'll get there." Sometimes he would say, "Just let me do it." Other times he would lift his end and I would just push as hard as I could to help him out a little.

He DID make comments about how I had told him I needed help with two pieces of furniture and then expected him to move it all. Well, geez, he was there, wasn't he? Was I supposed to have him help me with just the two and then sit there and watch me struggle??? I'm OK with doing it on my own, but not when there is big muscle around.

We did it. The living room is neatly rearranged and I feel so much better. Nothing like rearranging to make your room feel clean. All the shelves are neatly organized and dusted. I vacuumed the baseboards and organized the remotes. It's great!!

So, then, in my newfound empowerment, I joined Curves last week. (For those of you who don't know, that's a women-only gym chain. 30-minutes and you've done a circuit that works on each muscle group in your body.) I haven't done anything except for walking in several years and I was feeling like my muscles were tightening up while I sat here and watched them. So Friday I went and had the spiel and signed a year-long contract.

Monday was my first trip to actually exercise. I had to have an appointment for that time so that someone would walk around the circuit with me, explaining how the machines worked. I think they are very well trained people in the art of making middle-aged women feel like they want to come back. As near as I can figure, I was the best exerciser she's EVER had!! Imaging that!

One of the fun things about Curves is that you have this little key card and you can put that into the machines you use and it tracks all your details--how many repetitions you did, how hard you worked, your pulse, what you had for breakfast, (oh, I guess not that last one). But they won't let me use it until they are sure I know how to work all the machines. Bummer.

So I went back today to exercise and they would "keep an eye on me." She only had to tell me a few things every now and then. A "move your feet out" or "only rotate 45 degrees on that one." I thought I was doing great. I commented on how I looked forward to using my little key card. She said, "Yes, you'll get there." Sigh. I want to use my little card and see how good I'm doing. Oh, then she added, "And once you get the hang of the machines, you'll need to really push yourself." I thought I was. I guess they only use the major encouragement the first time you go!  :)

So, amidst the chaos that is my life right now I have a clean, rearranged living room and am exercising. It's something, right?

The bathroom is supposed to be mostly done this week--after that just waiting for the vanity tops and shower door to be delivered (they had to be ordered). Then I'll reorganize the vanity drawers and dust my bedroom. I'll probably be motivated to reorganize my closet, too. I'll relish sitting around eating breakfast in my jammies.

I'm reading in Ephesians lately. Today I was struck with how our very salvation was all from God. It's not me, it's Him. I always seem to have the impression that "it's all about me." Just like I wanted to be in control of my living room and bathroom and some part of my life, I want to be in control of how things work in my Christian walk.  I want the power. I want the control. Me. Me. Me.

Once, a long time ago, someone spoke at Berean and used this illustration (well, sort of this illustration. It was a long time ago.)

I want to think of a list of what I'm going to accomplish in my life.  Things like: 1) do a short-term missionary trip somewhere in the US; 2) start a ministry helping new women to our church feel welcomed; 3) see to it that all my children and grandchildren really KNOW God.

These are all good goals. All wonderful Christian things. So, I give this list to God and say, "OK, God. Sign off on all this. It's all good."

But, you know, He doesn't want to sign my list. He doesn't want to help me--like I'm the master and he's the apprentice. He wants to give me a blank sheet of paper and say, "Here, Kitt. Sign this. I'll fill in the details later." And I don't want to do that. I want to know. It's about me and I have a right to know, right?

Nope. It's all about God.

I want to make up my mind right now that I will trust God no matter what. I don't want to have to think about it when tough things happen. I trust God.

I just wanted you all to know that.

Here's a recent picture of Loy and me. He's the one with the white beard!!  :)