Thursday, October 10, 2013

10-10-13 Old, Old, Old

Lately there have been signs in my life that I am getting old. Really old.

1. I, just recently, have had to start wearing my glasses while curling my hair. I just can't make out what needs to be curled without them.

2. I went bra shopping (guys, skip this paragraph!!) and bought a bra advertised as "Your Friday Bra." It didn't look especially good or sexy, just comfy. And I put it on and it was!! And the back has not two but three hooks. For some reason, three hooks screams "aged" to me.

3. I talk about my granddaughter (and soon I'll add a grandson to that conversation.)

4. I can get the senior discount at DQ. (You only have to be 50!)

5. My jammies are all summer ones--and that's on purpose because I get so hot overnight.

6. Conversations with my friends always turn to hot flashes and menopause. When I was young Loy used to say that we always ended up in the delivery room when we girls talked. No more.

7. We do things like can foods and plant flowers and help our kids move.

8. I am considering having my hearing checked. I seem to say, "What?" a lot.

9. I have progressive bifocals.

10. I take 6 pills each morning (but two are vitamins). I get these pills out of my trusty pill container--like all us oldies use.

11. I can't eat certain foods late at night.

12. Caffeine keeps me awake and jittery.

13. My cholesterol is high.

14. I am too old to have the flu shot in a mist--I have to get the shot. (And I'm actually talking about flu shots!!)

15. I get AARP Magazine and really enjoy the stories.

16. If it makes it to 8:00 before I put my jams on, that is a late night.

17. I have had a colonoscopy.

18. Don't tell anyone, but I have two whiskers that I have to pluck every few weeks. I have told all the girls (Alexis, Jenna, Angela) to make sure they pluck those babies when I am in the home.

But, on the other hand, I'm not doing these things:

1. Talking about my bowels. (Please stop me if I ever start doing that!!) (#17 above does NOT count!!)

2. Wearing a red hat.

3. Eating at a buffet at 4:00 p.m. or so. My parents used to do this because it was still the lunch prices but the buffet had put out the supper food.

When my big kids were in high school I would look around at some of the other moms and think, "Yeah, I'm cooler than that mom." "Gee, I act so much younger than her." (If you had kids graduate with me...I'm not talking about you! It was someone else.)

Now, I find myself looking around thinking, "Why is everyone at church so darned young?" "Yes, I'd like to join the young homemakers group...oh, wait...that time has come and gone." "I thought I was supposed to be wise by now." "That newscaster was born when I was in college."

1. At least when I go to Curves (my goal is three times per week and sometimes I actually make that

goal!) I am almost always the youngest (or at least one of the youngest) ones there. And, when I am on the marching in place platform, I always jog in place instead.

2. I know how to use a computer.

3. I can text (but my kids will tell you that I routinely don't hear my phone.) And I don't tweet. And I have to have Danielle, my 25-year-old office buddy, work on my iPhone if there are any issues.

4. All these years mean that I have some tremendous friends that I have known for a long time. It is so nice to be able to be with people and not explain who your siblings are or where you are from.

5. I don't stress about what others are thinking of me quite as much as I used to.

So, I think I'll make my new mantra be something like,

Hello, my name is Kitt. I am 54-years-old. I have survived both of my parents dying when I was in my 20's. I birthed four wonderful babies. I have survived triple negative breast cancer. I have survived losing a child I was guardian to. I have been married to the same wonderful guy for 31 years and we still love each other. I don't look like I am 30, but I don't look like I'm 70 either. I still love God. I still love to laugh out loud. I love to visit friends and family. I am what I am. (Or as Popeye would say, "I yam what I yam.")

There, I feel better!!

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